All That Jazz! (Intro)

September 28th, 2011, 8:20PM

There is nothing else like jazz. It takes on so many tempos, styles, instrumnets, and personality. So distinct from all other types of music you never mistake it for anything else.  

I am atempting to learn to play guitar...Jazz guitar. I'm hlaf way to my goal of $400 and then I can get that beautiful Les Paul and acouple little accessories I need. Like Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar Lessons $149 and a guitar Strap. Fact is I'm looking a a used one.... It's half price cause of a golf ball dent in the back! Ha! Otherwise it's new. And it allows me to go all out instead of waitin'! Yeah! 

All That Jazz! (Intro)

September 28th, 2011, 8:20PM

There is nothing else like jazz. It takes on so many tempos, styles, instrumnets, and personality. So distinct from all other types of music you never mistake it for anything else.  

I am atempting to learn to play guitar...Jazz guitar. I'm hlaf way to my goal of $400 and then I can get that beautiful Les Paul and acouple little accessories I need. Like Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar Lessons $149 and a guitar Strap. Fact is I'm looking a a used one.... It's half price cause of a golf ball dent in the back! Ha! Otherwise it's new. And it allows me to go all out instead of waitin'! Yeah!